43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Active Heating Devices to Reduce Cold Start Emissions in Sport Cars


Dipl.-Ing. M. Cucchi, Dipl.-Ing. M. Medda, Dr.-Ing. S. Paltrinieri, Dipl.-Ing. V. Rossi, Dr.-Ing. F. Rulli, Dipl.-Ing. R. Tonelli, Ferrari S.p.A., Maranello:



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Near zero cold start emissions in a wide range of ambient conditions are a challenging goal. High-performance engine combustion optimization, although fundamental to lower specific engine-out emissions, is not sufficient to achieve this challenging objective. A very high after-treatment efficiency from engine start-up onwards is necessary.

Active heating technologies allow quick heating up of after-treatment devices like a three way catalyst (TWC) above their light-off temperature, regardless of engine operation.

In this work, the particular characteristics of Fuel Burner (FB) and Electrically Heated Catalyst (EHC) were analyzed. Their ability to efficiently heat up after-treatment devices was assessed by numerical simulations and then verified experimentally. After-treatment efficiency in cold start conditions was also investigated and compared with passive catalyst heating strategies.

The two active heating technologies proved to be effective in reducing tailpipe emissions via pre-heating, i.e. catalyst is heated before engine start. On the one hand, FB combustion was investigated to establish a trade-off between burner-out emissions and heat flux supplied to the catalyst. The heat flux was also maximized by optimizing the FB connection to the exhaust line. On the other hand, different EHC control strategies were evaluated to minimize electrical power and energy provided by the vehicle battery.



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