30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Participatory Development of an Inter-Age Mobile Station A Real-Lab Appoach in a Residential Neighbourhood in Zwickau


P. Ziegert, T. Teich, T. Neumann, D. Kretz, S. Junghans, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau; E. Höhne, S. Leonhardt, Stadt Zwickau


Ensuring mobility within residential areas through alternative options of mobility will become more important in the coming years, especially against the background of the increasing ageing of the German population. The "Zwickauer Energiewende Demonstrieren" project precisely addresses this issue in a core theme. In July 2020, the "Marienthal Mobil" mobile station designed within this framework opened in a large housing estate in Zwickau. At this station, interested people from young to old living in the neighbourhood can borrow various micromobiles (e-bikes, age-appropriate e-scooters, etc.). This offers neighbourhood residents an attractive, climate-friendly mobility option to remain independently mobile without a private car, even as they get older. Users can cover short distances, such as to the doctor or the supermarket, entirely with rental vehicles, or they can use the electric vehicles to comfortably reach the nearest tram stops. On the one hand, this calms car traffic within the residential area and can relieve the limited parking space available; on the other hand, senior citizens can maintain their independence in old age, also without owning a car.

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