45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

The Synergy between Operating Strategy, Hydrogen Injection System and Exhaust-Gas Aftertreatment as the Key to an Attractive Hydrogen Engine Concept


A. Kufferath, D. Naber, S. Bareiss, G. Cornetti, M. Krüger, H. Rösch, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart:



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With the imperative of rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there is no way around the widespread use of battery-electric and fuel cell-based drives in commercial vehicles. Despite these CO2-neutral alternatives to the diesel engine, it is foreseeable that it will not be possible to adequately replace the entire variety of current applications in commercial vehicles with the above-mentioned powertrains, also with regard to the speed of transformation.

The CO2-neutral hydrogen engine is available to close the application gaps in commercial vehicles, both on- and off-road, and can also fulfill the criteria for a low-emission concept with regard to air pollutants. Robert Bosch GmbH has set up a broad program for the development of components, combustion processes and operating strategies for hydrogen engines. Starting from the optically accessible single-cylinder unit, which is essential for clarifying the fundamental phenomena, the publication consistently works through the steps to the full engine with the associated exhaust gas aftertreatment. For hydrogen direct injection, it is shown how a very attractive engine concept can be created using the synergies of operating strategy, hydrogen injection system, air system and exhaust gas aftertreatment.





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