43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

FEV´s Pathway towards Next Generation HD Engines Targeting 55% BTE


D. van der Put MBA, FEV Group GmbH, Aachen; Dr.-Ing. K. Deppenkemper, Dr.-Ing. M. Ehrly, Dipl.-Ing. B. Jagodzinski, Dr.-Ing. C. Ritterskamp, S. Ghetti MSc, Dr.-Ing. D. Lückmann, Dr.-Ing. T. Uhlmann, Dr.-Ing. C. Menne, FEV Europe GmbH, Aachen:



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The increasing environmental impact of greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions is leading to further tightening of emission standards, which is currently being discussed by legislators, particularly in the global industrial regions. These tightening measures extend across the entire automotive sector, from private transport and transportation of goods to the construction and agricultural sectors. It is expected that significant further developments of the entire powertrain will be implemented in the next years, especially in the transport sector, which will contribute to a significant emission reduction. The development requirements of the OEMs are influenced from two directions, on the one hand by legislation and on the other hand by the customers, who expects lowest total cost of ownership (TCO).

With this study, FEV has used the example of a typical commercial vehicle engine in the 13- liter class to investigate various innovations that bring about a significant increase in thermal efficiency, up to 55 %. In the first part of this work, the focus is on the legal and customer- specific boundary conditions. It shows how these factors influence the design of future engine concepts. The second part looks at the technical measures and potential for increasing efficiency. By means of experimental investigations on a single-cylinder engine, supported by 1D engine process simulations, the internal engine measures have been analyzed. The potential evaluation of external measures such s the use of a waste heat recovery system is carried out by means of a simulation model.



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