43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Possibilities for CO2 Reduction of Heavy Commercial Vehicles with Internal Combustion Engines in Stock in Germany


Dipl.-Ing. M. Kühn, Dr.-Ing. P. Burghardt, E@motion GmbH, Ebersbach an der Fils; Dipl.-Betr.-Wirt (FH) E. Christ, MOSOLF Transport Solutions GmbH, Kirchheim/Teck:



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The development of CO2 emissions of the commercial vehicle fleet, structured according to KBA* methodology in Germany, was simulated using scenarios for the introduction of CO2- neutral commercial vehicles in the period from 1990 to 2045, and validated with the emission values known today.

The results show that the CO2 reduction share of the commercial vehicle fleet required by the Federal Climate Protection Act, which stipulates a target of 43%, is highly unlikely to be achieved in the time window from 2020 to 2030.

A sensitivity analysis of the influence of CO2-reducing measures for the internal combustion engine commercial vehicle fleet and possibilities for increasing energy efficiency in driving operations was used to investigate their potential. The CO2 reduction was quantified on the basis of various technologies and processes in the relevant commercial vehicle classes.

Several introduction scenarios of these CO2 reduction options were compared by means of simulation 
calculations and examined with regard to achieving the required emission target in 2030. Clear decision-making aids are thus available.



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