42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Ready t(w)o Gas – The Hydrogen Engine with Variable Natural Gas Blending by 2G


Dipl.-Ing. R. Herdin, A. Herdin MSc, PGES GmbH, Vienna; Dipl.-Ing. (FH) F. Grewe, S. Knepper MSc, 2G Energy AG, Heek:



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By many experts hydrogen is seen as energy storage technology and fuel of the future with the highest potentials. Additionally, hydrogen used in combustion engines offers the possibility of very low emissions and can therefore be clarified as “near zero emission” fuel. Stationary CHP plants use the conversion losses (heat) to generate a high over all efficiency. In case of a combination of an electrolyser and a CHP the excess of “green” electricity can be used for hydrogen production. The usage of thermal energy during the electrolysation lowers the overall losses. A pilot plant of this technology, was constructed by 2G Energy AG from Heek and can be visited at the “Stadtwerk Haßfurt”. The unique thing at this plant is that a change of fuel from natural gas to hydrogen can be done transient. This fuel flexibility offers electric as well as thermal supply during dark doldrums without the limiting factor of hydrogen storage volume. Further the overall emissions can be reduced to a minimum. Depending on the operation mode, a BMEP of up to 15 bar and nitrogen oxide emissions of 4 to 90 ppm can be reached. To use the potential of low nitrogen oxide emissions during hydrogen operation mode and high BMEP, homogenisation of the hydrogen-air mixture is an essential part. Hereinafter the optimisation of the hydrogen engine regarding measures to increase the BMEP and also emission reduction is given attention.

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