43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Bridging the Gap from L2 to L4 Autonomous Driving Systems


S. Petrovich MSc, M. Andersson BSc,  J. Hagberg MSc, A. Karlsson MSc, A. Morate MSc, P. Nordqvist MSc, China Euro Vehicle Technology AB, Gothenburg:



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The ultimate safety goal of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) is zero road casualties. Currently, OEMs are working towards Level 2 (L2) active safety features, but the target is to have full automated driving systems by extending both system (software architecture), sensor set (hardware) and high-speed computing capability. This would constitute an L4 or L5 system.

Further, scalability of the ADS regarding sensor setup, redundancy, hardware and software of the control system is discussed with regard to new functionalities such as Automated Vehicle Planning, Traffic Jam Pilot, Highway Pilot and Urban City Pilot.

However, the extension of features from L2 to L4 is not a linear process and involves much more cost, technology inclusion, regulation and verification/validation, thereby massively increasing the systems engineering effort to develop robust requirements and test them in the field.

Zeekr, a Geely company, is now developing an L4 system with a strategic partner. This paper is a discussion on how to bridge the significant L2 to L4 gap.



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