45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

The Long Path of the EU7/VII Emission Legislation and Its Consequences: Influence on Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment


R. Brück, P. Langenfeld, Emitec Technologies GmbH, Lohmar:



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The automotive industry and its suppliers have been waiting for clarity regarding the future EU7/VII emission legislation for more than 3 years. After several postponements, the first Commission proposal was published in November 2022. However, it was not until December 2023 that the limit values and test conditions were finally defined in the political trialogue. The discussed introduction date of July 1st , 2025, for all types proposed by the EU-Commission led to considerable development costs for cars and commercial vehicles before the final determination took place. The range of EU7/VII limit value proposals required in additional investments.

After knowing the final EU7/VII limit values and test conditions, this lecture will present the course of the EU7 legislation and its effects on the European Automotive Industry. Solutions for EU7 exhaust aftertreatment are presented and tested in defined exhaust gas tests. The results are also evaluated regarding future China 7 legislation.





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