43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Geely Jet Ignition System for 52.5% Indicated Thermal Efficiency


Y. Chao, K. Hu, H. Wei, S. Li, Y. Hu, J. Yu, I. Scholten, Ningbo Geely Royal Engine Components Co., Ltd, Ningbo, China:



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High efficiency gasoline engine can make contribution to carbon neutral target. High speed combustion at ultra-lean condition is an effective way toward this target. Pre-chamber combustion helps to extend the lean limit of the mixture (lambda > 2.4) due to its volume ignition characteristic, which can expand the boundary of combustion stability of lean fuel- air mixture. In addition, the low-cost traditional sparkplug is used in pre-chamber combustion system effective, making it easier for mass production compared with other ignition methods such as corona ignition. In this paper different pre-chamber designs and injection strategies are utilized to control heat release rate and speed up burning rate in the main chamber at lambda equals to 2.4, achieving 52.5% indicated thermal efficiency. Furthermore, the effects on thermal efficiency of other factors such as piston shape design, tumble ratio and load have also been investigated.



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