43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

The Self-Sufficient Exhaust Aftertreatment System from HJS for Compliance with EU VII


Dipl.-Ing. B. Lindemann, Dipl.-Chem. I. Zirkwa, Dipl.-Ing. D. Dohse, Dipl.-Ing. H. Schröter, HJS Emission Technology GmbH & Co KG, Menden; Dr. P. Recker, Dipl.-Ing. T. Wilkes, FEV Europe GmbH, Aachen:



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The proposals in terms of EURO 7/VII discussed currently imply significant challenges compared to the regulation in place. In future emission limits have to be met in a much wider range in view of ambient conditions. In addition, existing limits will be further reduced, i.e. NOx, and new limits will be introduced for components not limited so far, i.e. N2O. To meet these challenges especially the exhaust abatement system’s cold start performance has to be improved significantly. In this paper a concept providing a significant contribution in order to meet the future requirements is introduced. A 10 kW (@48V) electric heater is included in this concept as well as a twin dosing approach which means that the SCR functionality is split up into two separate SCR catalysts. The AdBlue® dosing amount is controlled by two separate injectors. The complete aftertreatment system was installed on board of a EURO VIc truck equipped with a PEMS system. The test program focused on NOx emissions in low load duty cycles with extremely low exhaust temperatures. First results with activated heater show that the cold start period is reduced significantly. Over that AdBlue dosing remains activated during low load periods in the test run. In summary NOx emissions are halved in comparison with test runs without activated heater. It can be concluded that the aftertreatment approach introduced here has a high potential to meet future emission legislation requirements.



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