29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
The Development of a 45 % High Thermal Efficiency Engine
Hua Zhang, Dr. Shuangqing Li, Zhiwang Wang, Lianbao Li, Ke Hu, Dr. Jingzhou Yu, Ningbo Geely Royal Engine Components Co., Ltd., Ningbo, China
This presentation will describe Geely’s efforts in developing high efficiency clean gasoline engine technologies. Previous study showed 40 % break thermal efficiency by using Miller cycle and lean burn in a common three cylinder engine. To achieve higher thermal efficiency (> 45 %) while meeting emission regulations, ultra lean homogeneous combustion is studied using a single cylinder engine. Stable lean combustion (airfuel ratio =2.0) is realized using a Corona plasma ignition system. A maximum of 49.5 % indicate thermal efficiency was achieved with less than 50 ppm of engine out NOx emissions. To further reduce engine out NOx emissions, a leaner mixture (air-fuel ratio > 2.4) is needed, which requires a more robust ignition system to ensure stable combustion. Pre-chamber ignition system could be a viable alternative to further improving engine efficiency while reducing criteria emissions.
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