29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Hydrogen as Fuel for Heavy-Duty Trucks


Dr. Andreas Kolbeck, Dr. Wolfgang Warnecke, Dr. Karsten Wilbrand, Lars Zimmermann, Paul Karzel, Dr. Jörg Adolf, Shell Global Solutions (Deutschland) GmbH, Hamburg, Germany


EU regulation is providing strong pressure to the HD truck industry to reduce CO2 emissions. At least a 30 % CO2 reduction vs. 2019 baseline is required by 2030, linked to significant penalties in case of failure. Since the HD truck OEMs are regulated on a tank-to-wheel basis, using electricity or hydrogen as energy carrier on the truck are favored as those are accounted with zero CO2 well-to-wheel.  
Shell has performed investigations focussing on Hydrogen as energy carrier on trucks. While hydrogen has excellent properties as a fuel for both, internal combustion engines as well as fuel cell, the energy density and thus storage capacity on a given truck architecture might be limited. This presentation summarizes the conclusions of the investigations, looking at the capacity of different storage options and related cost implications.

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