17th Symposium - The Working Prozess of the Internal Combustion Engine
Grid integration e-mobility – Developments and challenges
Ursel Willrett, IAV GmbH, Sindelfingen
The charging interface between grid and electric vehicles is new. To integrate the “two worlds” power supply and vehicle for many challenges solutions have to be found and introduced. Many different requirements for charging are considered: electric vehicles are charged in private environments, at work place or at public charging infrastructures. Therefore adequate power supply access is necessary to charge the batteries safely and reliably within the desired charging duration. For charging in public areas a communication system is required which connects all involved actors and supports grid integration of e-mobility. Most important functions are authentication, billing including e-roaming facilities, load management with different charging power including support of high power charging > 300 kW. For communication between electric vehicle and charging stations to support the functions mentioned above the international standard ISO 15118
is available. Due to the transfer of personal data, secure communication procedures are requested. Therefore transparent end-to-end communication concepts have to be implemented with clearly specified interfaces. One of the challenges regarding communication is the proof of interoperability of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.
Electric consumers (i.e. electric vehicles) need on the one hand a stable power supply, they expect grid quality according to the given standards. Otherwise every consumer adds distortion or noise into the grid. During the charging process of already one electric vehicle perturbations are visible.
For proper grid integration of all components in a system respective procedures have to be specified which are accepted and supported by all actors: automotive industry, power suppliers, producers of charging infrastructure and users. The system “E-Mobility” provides the integration of further applications and system solutions, for example applications for intelligent mobility, traffic control, grid integration with renewable energies or value added services for users.
Major actual projects in the development and introduction of e-mobility are standardization and implementation of high power charging, bi-directional energy transfer, load management, ensuring grid quality and transparent and easy-to use charging procedures for the user.
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