42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Passenger Car Powertrains and Future Energy Scenarios: From Technical Facts towards Political Reality


Dr. G. Fraidl, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) B. Enzi, Dr. P. Kapus, Dr. C. Martin, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) M. Rothbart, AVL List GmbH, Graz:



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Especially in Europe, the economic consequences of the Corona Crisis act almost as a fire accelerator in the direction of - at least in a simplified Tank-to-Wheel view - CO2 free mobility. A selective incentivation - clearly focused on electric powertrains - combined with the economic pressure to reduce the technology portfolio - results in an accelerated focus on electric drives. Contrary to previous expectations, in future Europe and not China will become the lead region for Battery-Electric Vehicles. While this appears attractive from a pure tank-to-wheel CO2 consideration, a lifecycle analysis - which is directly relevant for the actual climate challenges - raises essential questions. In particular, the clear sector separation between transport, production and energy supply provides individual local optima, however, no comprehensive climate-relevant CO2 optimum during the transition towards a dedicated CO2 neutrality. For an efficient and marketable CO2 reduction, a comprehensive approach is required that goes beyond powertrain and vehicle related improvements and correlates this in the best possible way to the temporal progression of the CO2 reductions of the primary energy supply. This should not start with a “Competition of Technologies” on the powertrain side as in the past, but by utilizing the “Synergy of Energy Sources and Energy Carriers” on the energy supply side - from “Powertrain portfolio Drives the Energy Carriers” towards “Energy Sources and Carriers Drives the Powertrain Portfolio“.

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