29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Towards Safety Concepts for Automated Vehicles by the Example of the Project UNICARagil
Torben Stolte, Robert Graubohm, Inga Jatzkowski, Markus Maurer, TU Braunschweig, Institut für Regelungstechnik, Braunschweig, Germany;
Stefan Ackermann, Björn Klamann, Moritz Lippert, Hermann Winner, TU Darmstadt, Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik, Darmstadt, Germany
Striving towards deployment of SAE level 4+ vehicles in public traffic, researchers and developers face several challenges due to the targeted operation in an open environment. Due to the absence of a human supervisor, ensuring and validating safety while driving automatically is one of the key challenges. The arising complexity of the technical system must be handled during the entire research and development process. In this contribution, we outline the coherence of different safety-activities in the research project UNICARagil. We derive high-level safety requirements and present the central safety mechanisms applied to automated driving. Moreover, we outline the approaches of the project UNICARagil to address the validation challenge for automated vehicles. In order to demonstrate the overall approach towards a coherent safety argumentation, the connection of high-level safety requirements, safety mechanisms, as well as validation approaches is illustrated by means of a selected example scenario.
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