43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Gearbox Motor Generator 15 kW 48V for Dual Clutch Transmission Gear Box Hybridization


Dipl.-Ing. ENSAM P. Armiroli, Valeo Powertrain Electrical System, Creteil:



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The automotive industry moves towards powertrain electrification or pure electric drive. This presentation is focusing on a 48V project fully integrated system (Machine+Inverter) to Hybridize a DCT Gearbox. This is the first 48V Gearbox Motor Generator system launched in production and the first for Valeo.

The project has been run with a DCT Gearbox supplier, starting in 2013 and materializing with a SOP by end of 2021 with 2 European OEMs. The main project's targets were to reduce C02 emissions and to offer new functions as gear shifting support.

The Machine and Inverter assembly assy production will be done with a new flexible line in Valeo PES Isle d'Abeau in France plant. The main technical challenges will be described .In particular, the machine integration within the DCT with a specific dual cooling strategy: oil for the machine and external watercooled for the Inverter. A specific Interface between the machine and the Inverter has been developed. We will complete this presentation with a full 48V Road Map including xMG 25 kW and e-Mobilty targets.



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