43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Fuel Cells in Heavy-Duty Transportation: New Technology – Familiar Business Processes


Prof. Dr. C. Mohrdieck, cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchheim Teck/Nabern:



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Fuel Cell Engines for heavy-duty long-haul applications are supposed to meet the same basic requirements derived from the aspired commercial vehicle properties as the currently applied internal combustion engine powertrains. However, the technical principle of the fuel cell is an electrochemical conversion and not a thermo-mechanical process. This necessitates a specific approach in regard to a number of technical characteristics like for example the design and dimensioning of power and durability/lifetime also comprising their validation as well as the mode of operation. In contrast to the fundamental technical differences, many business processes along the whole value chain can be transferred from the „internal combustion engine world“ into the fuel cell environment. This includes for instance major parts of the development process, the cost engineering, logistics, the engine assembly and even service activities. Detailed examples illustrate on the one hand the differences caused by the technology and on the other hand the procedural similarities. In conclusion, the aspects and contributions of the fuel cell in the ongoing transformation process of the automotive industry are also explained.



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