42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Optimal Combination of Real and Virtual Development for Next Generation of ADAS/AD


Dr. P. Schöggl, Dipl.-Ing. E. Bogner, Dipl.-Ing. P. Falk, Dr. P. Nitsche, Dipl.-Ing. M. Oswald, Dipl.-Ing. E. Ramschak, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) R. Vögl, AVL List GmbH, Graz:



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The Automation of passenger car and commercial vehicles is evolving very fast, the introduction of the first Level 3 car was in early 2021, L4 development is ongoing. New safety legislation- and homologation procedures will be mandatory from 2022 onwards. The effort for testing and validation of L3 and L4 features is non-linear increasing, due to the high number of use cases, in which the systems must perfectly operate. Testing distances of 200 Mio. kilometers for Level 3 models are requested per week. The paper presents a new approach for a seamless connected combination of real world and virtual development. Multiple methods for efficiency improvement have been developed to achieve a full digitalization of the public road and test tracking. The target is to shorten the road testing and to couple it to the virtual area. Procedures for real time analysis of driving quality allow the reduction of test personnel to a minimum. Automatic parametrization routines allow the fast generation of test cases, traffic condition patterns and vehicle parameters for the simulation. The simulation consists of a combination of traffic, road, vehicle, ADAS function simulation plus real time evaluation of driving quality, including safety and perceived safety. The application of cloud simulation allows to run in parallel on up to 15.000 cores, which enables to run more than 200 Mio. virtually validated Kilometers per week. The paper describes a smart combination of 1% real test and 99% virtual tests for Automatic Emergency Brake (AEB) function of the new EU General Safety Regulation (GSR), the 1% real testing is used for validation of results. The smart combination of real and virtual development in combination with data transfer methods allows an efficient development with attractive cost.

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