30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Predictive 0D Hydrogen Combustion Simulation


T. Ebert, R.-F. Nobile, D. Leimann, KEYOU GmbH


A strongly increasing demand for development projects regarding hydrogen combustion engines, especially in the commercial vehicle sector, requires a rapid further development of existing simulation approaches. The design of suitable charging systems - a key to high-performance concepts - demands a realistic description of the heat release as a main driver of the available enthalpy boundary condition. The new challenge is to transfer state-of-the-art predictive zero-dimensional (0D) combustion models for spark ignited combustion processes to high-volume displacements and diesel typical combustion chamber geometries. KEYOU GmbH has developed a new calibration methodology for the predictive SITurb model from Gamma Technologies, with a particular focus on flame propagation.

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