42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

The Key to Success during Transformation


Dr. Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart:



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The world is changing – and so is mobility. Electrification, digitalisation, connectivity: these are the three future trends that will greatly change the automotive industry in the next five years. The coronavirus pandemic is further accelerating this transformation.

Porsche sees social and technological development as an opportunity. Together with its stakeholders, the sports car manufacturer is shaping the future of sustainable mobility – and securing the basis for its ongoing business success. A forward-looking strategy, a powerful brand and inspiring products remain key factors here. But people are our most important asset: it is they who drive change with passion and pioneering spirit.

Porsche has achieved value-creating growth over the past ten years. Our workforce has more than doubled and earnings have increased fivefold. The company’s economic success goes hand in hand with its goal of achieving complete CO₂-neutrality by 2030. The aim is to put new technology on the road in trademark Porsche style.

The experience gained from more than 70 years’ building sports cars is just as important as the work being done at the Porsche Digital Labs in innovation hotspots around the world.

This way, Porsche can remain true to itself while at the same time developing and continuously moving forward: after all, it’s only because Porsche has always changed that it has always remained Porsche.

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