43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

CO2 Free Hydrogen Mobility for Passenger Cars without Compromises


J. Op de Beeck, Plastic Omnium Clean Energy Systems Research, Brussels; A. Seifert, E. Wahlmüller, C. Ahamer, U. Hannesen, Plastic Omnium New Energies, Genk / Wels / Fribourg:



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On one hand, the Fitfor55 proposal of the European Commission, published in July 14th 2021, requests a reduction of CO2 emissions from passenger cars of 55% by 2030. In 2035, 100% of the passenger cars and light duty vehicles are to become free of any CO2 emissions. This proposal is purely focussed on Tank-to-Wheel emissions and demands a carbon free fuel or energy storage onboard the vehicle.

On the other hand, car buyers are looking for vehicles that can suit all their needs. These are not limited to everyday commuting, or nearby shopping, or any average driving cycles. Their needs include occasional weekend trips to the seaside, yearly holiday travels over 1000 km or more per day, and occasional driving under high load, high speed or with a trailer.

All this is combined with the need for passenger space and comfort, as well as a convenient and large luggage space.

Current CO2-free passenger car offerings cannot meet these combined requirements like the current internal combustion engine vehicles do. Compromises in travel time or flexibility are currently needed.

This paper presents the various use cases and performances we expect from our current ICE driven vehicles. It then applies these to a CO2-free passenger car, using hydrogen and electricity, in search of a solution meeting at least the same level of performance and comfort as our current vehicles, without compromises.

The study describes a vehicle architecture and the related powertrain components combining the various means of energy storage and transformation.

It then goes in the details of the hydrogen storage system, as well as the fuel cell system and its balance of plant. This is illustrated with test results and applied on the various relevant use cases expected from our current ICE powered vehicles.



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