42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Battery Derivative Development Using Model Based Systems Engineering


Dipl.-Ing. W. Novak, Dr.-Ing. V. Hennige, AVL List GmbH, Graz; Dr.-Ing. A. Braun, L. Kallis BEng, Dipl.-Ing. E. Loechl, AVL Deutschland GmbH, Ingolstadt; Dipl.-Betriebsw. M. Neumann MBA, AUDI AG, Ingolstadt:



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Systems Engineering has proved to be a useful approach for the development of complex systems. In the case of traction battery development for automotive applications the product is complex due to the multitude of requirements. Since multiple target conflicts (such as range vs. cost vs. safety) need to be solved by interdisciplinary team members, also the development process itself is complex. AVL has developed a framework for battery development which incorporates several aspects of systems engineering in order to deal with the complexity. This includes process organization, function-based product development and validation as well as a model-based data backbone that allows to encompass all relevant information in the project work. The derivate development project of the Audi e-tron 55 is presented as an example to illustrate the successful application of the framework.

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