31. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Potential Powertrain Configurations to Obtain Future CO2 Goals in 2040


T. Stoll, M. Bargende, H.-J. Berner- Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik Stuttgart, A. Geß, M. Held - Institut für Akustik und Bauphysik Stuttgart, A. Lozanovski - Siemens


The goal currently being implemented in the EU Parliament of only allowing climate-neutral vehicles on the roads by 2035 is often associated with the conversion of motorised private transport to battery-electric vehicles. Within the framework of the FVV research project no. 601355 presented here, which was initiated in 2018, scenarios are being investigated which compare the purely battery-electric drive in passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with different powertrain architectures and evaluate them within the framework of service life analyses with regard to the greenhouse gas potential and the associated costs for the user. The goal of this study is to get proper predictions of suitable powertrain architectures for the market in 2040. For that, the different powertrain components are simulated and the development is extrapolated until 2040. The predictions are made for three different vehicle types, a sedan, a sports utility vehicle and a heavy-duty vehicle with 7.5 t of maximum gross weight. Also driving under different conditions is considered by using RDE and WLTC-driving scenarios. The results show the energy consumption of the different concepts as well as the local CO2-emission. All simulation results are then examined by means of a life cycle assessment for the greenhouse gas emissions generated. Future developments and technological advances were modelled using energy projections…

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