42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Powershift Capable Electric Machines Driven Powertrain in Heavy Duty Dumper Series Use


Dr. B. Yan, Dipl.-Ing. Z. Cao, eKontrol GmbH, Vienna:



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Production/Publication ÖVK


Following the electrification of passenger cars and busses, particularly for the use in cities, powertrains driven by electric machines are also becoming increasingly important for trucks. Using heavy commercial vehicles with a total weight of up to 90 tons as an example, this report presents a new electric drivetrain that is now already in series production, especially for mining operations. The article is divided into a Hardware and a Software section of the selected transmission concept, especially with regard to the challenge of vehicle launch at a 35% gradient with a total vehicle weight of 90 tons and also a maximum speed of 50 kph. This challenge was met by introduction of a multi-speed transmission. Powershift capability ensures continuous wheel torque – an important requirement for vehicles in mining operations. Furthermore, the article presents the selected control strategies of the two electric machines of the power summation transmission and experiences gained from the series application of heavy-duty commercial vehicles. The publication of the control strategies and the shifting processes of the new transmission on the basis of vehicle measurements is the first time. The authors also present the experiences gained from series production to the technical expert audience for the first time.

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