30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Anforderungen an die Kathodenluftqualität für LT-PEM Brennstoffzellen
J. Scholta, T. Wagner, M. A. Schmid, V. Valter, ZSW
Within the FVV funded project, the influence of airborne contaminations on the cathode of an automotive fuel cell was investigated, considering effects of SO2, NO2, NH3 and toluene. Moreover, a fuel cell and a filter model were developed. The fuel cell model includes contamination effects on catalyst and membrane.
Fuel cell tests under automotive-oriented conditions were performed. While toluene in concentrations of less than 50 ppb and NO2 in concentrations below 300 ppb for normal and 150 pbb for low loaded cathodes showed only a slight and practically completely reversible influence, NH3 in concentrations of 500 ppb or more and SO2 in concentrations of 30 ppb or more were partially or largely irreversible determined.
The fuel cell model is able to reproduce the voltage time behaviour of the cell under contaminant exposure, and the filter model allows for estimations of filter performance for the investigated contaminants.
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