31. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Vorteile der wiederaufladbaren Lithium-Ionen-Batterie „SCiB™“ für schwere Nutzfahrzeuganwendungen


A. Hasegawa, K. Ishiwa, M. Sekino, K. Kasai - Toshiba Corporation


In recent years, serious environmental problems such as climate change and depletion of energy resource has accelerated the movement toward a decarbonized society, and electrification of mobility is one of this. Although the electrification of passenger cars has already moved into the mass production phase, the progress of electrification of trucks is much delayed although it is essential to realize a decarbonized society. In this paper, we analyzed the issues of fuel cell electric long haul trucks and identified various issues of lithium-ion batteries such as the lack of recuperation capability at large cur-rent, low usable real capacity and the lack of power at low temperatures.

As a solution to these issues, we proposed SCiB™ 20 Ah-HP lithium-ion battery cell that delivers both high energy and high power, and verified the effectiveness of 20 Ah-HP cell based on fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) simulation compared with other two chemistry batteries. The simulation result shows SCiB™ battery system with 20 Ah-HP cell can realize almost the same level hydrogen fuel consumption compare well with other two battery systems at ambient temperature over -10 deg.C, while sur-pass them at low temperatures below -10 deg.C. Furthermore SCiB™ battery system realized a smallest, lightest battery pack installed optimized smallest capacity but with wider SOC recuperation range that satisfy the needed energy and power request.

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