30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Positive Risikobilanz als Maxime für eine sicherheitsorientierte Entwicklung des automatisierten Fahren
N. Kauffmann, F. Fahrenkrog, L. Drees, F. Raisch, BMW Group
From a technical perspective automated driving systems (ADS) are a promising but challenging technology in the automotive sector. There is a strong public interest which goes along with fears related to road safety. This leads to the question regarding the public acceptance of the technology, which is a prerequisite for the market introduction. To address these aspects, different initiatives have been started resulting in guidelines as well as the proof of a positive risk balance for ADS. The ethical requirements that were published by the Ethic Commission and the EU ask for public demonstration of the technology’s social benefits in their first recommendation. However, it remains uncertain what these guidelines mean specifically for the development for ADS. This paper outlines BMW’s approach to ensure a safe operation of ADS.
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