31. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Fortschrittliche Hardware-, Steuerungs-, und Kalibrierlösungen zur Erfüllung der zukünftigen EURO 7-Gesetzgebung


C. Menne, P. Recker, V. Huth, O. Simons, T. Wilkes, A. Vovk, A. Balazs, M. Ehrly, J. Schaub - FEV Europe GmbH, B. Lindemann, B. Maurer, D. Dohse - HJS Emission Technology GmbH & Co. KG


The future European emission legislation EU7 aims to reduce pollutant emissions from motor vehicles under all operating conditions to a level that excludes harm to human health. In this context, FEV is developing solutions to comply with the expected EU7 emission standards for light-duty passenger cars and heavy-duty commercial vehicles.

In the first part of this study, solutions for hybrid-electric passenger cars with gasoline engines are discussed. To this end, advanced technology options to reduce raw emissions like secondary air, improved fuel injection systems and combustion system optimization are combined with new exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. E-catalysts or burners, right-sizing of the three-way catalyst for all-map stoichiometric operation and advanced gasoline particulate filters are the most promising technology path. In addition, opportunities for optimizing the operation strategy of all powertrain components for lowest emissions are being investigated, which can be achieved with electrification of the powertrain.

The second part of the paper focuses on an advanced exhaust after-treatment system, its control system, and the corresponding calibration measures for use in a heavy-duty commercial vehicle. Thereto, FEV and HJS have developed a corresponding demonstrator vehicle designed to meet the expected EU7 regulations. The exhaust gas after-treatment system consists of an electrically heated catalyst and a DOC close to the engine, a close-coupled SCR system followed by an ammonia slip catalyst (ASC), a DPF and a larger SCR system followed by another ASC.

Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.

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