29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Bedarf und Anforderung für EDR automatisierte Fahrzeuge – Eine Analyse basierend auf Versicherungsrückmeldungen an Allianz Germany


Dr. Christoph Lauterwasser, Dr. Johann Gwehenberger, Oliver Braxmeier, Melanie Andrea Kreutner, Marcel Borrack, Carsten Reinkemeyer, AZT Automotive GmbH - Allianz Center for Technology, Ismaning, Germany;
Lothar Wech, (Technical) University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany; 
Michael Weyde, European Association for Accident Research and Analysis (EVU), Graz, Austria;
Peter Salzberger, TÜV SÜD, Munich, Germany


UNECE WP.29 faces significant challenges in formulating UN regulations for the registration, homologation and operation of automated and autonomous vehicles. Out of 13 important safety issues that need to be regulated in detail, one main topic is the recording of accident and event data to clarify accidents involving automated vehicles in mixed traffic. In addition, the basis for the clarification of traffic offences is to be created. 
An informal working group IWG EDR/DSSAD (Event Data Recorder (EDR); Data Storage System for Automated Driving (DSSAD), for an explanation see Chapter 3) is currently working intensively on the definition of an EDR for conventional vehicles (mandatory in the EU from 2022) [1] and an EDR for automated vehicles. As a member of the informal working group, the Allianz Center for Technology contributes the position of Allianz and the perspective of the insurance industry. 

Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.

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