31. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Potenziale der Filtertechnik bei der Partikel-Emissionskontrolle zukünftiger Euro VII Verbrennungsmotoren für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge


E. Merlone Borla, M. F. Pidria, S. Golini - FPT Industrial, C. Guido, C. Beatrice, D. Di Maio, P. Napolitano - CNR STEMS, R. Torbati - NGK Europe GmbH, T. Franke - Umicore AG & Co. KG


In view of the Heavy-Duty Natural Gas engines spread, prompted by the decarbonisation issue and the upcoming restrictive Euro VII regulations on particulate emission, FPT Industrial, CNR-STEMS and NGK have cooperated in the investigation of specific technologies for its abatement.

The next emission requirements in terms of both number and diameter of emitted particles represents a new challenge for the compliance of gas engines, although historically considered as particulate matter-free.

Different approaches can be followed to reach the arduous targets, both in terms of engine enhancement, acting on particle formation mechanism itself, and on the After-treatment System (ATS) for the abatement of the exhaust engine out emissions.

The use of a Particulate Filter in combination with the Three-Way Catalyst (TWC) rep-resents a viable solution to achieve high conversion of gas-phase criteria pollutants and high filtration efficiency.

Goal of the present research activity is to characterize engine emissions upstream and downstream the ATS of a NG engine in terms of particles number, mass and size distribution over the World Harmonized Transient Cycle (WHTCs).

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