30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Softwareintensive, skalierbare Ansätze für 48 V- und E-Antriebe


M. Uhl, R. Peck, R. Benz, C. Hölzl, SEG Automotive Germany GmbH


Components for more efficient drive concepts are no longer solely a matter of hardware performance. Mechatronic products are evolving into highly integrated, software-defined systems with significantly greater complexity for OEMs and suppliers. Even in the case of a 48 V mild hybrid engine replacing a 12 V generator, for example, integration no longer takes place strictly via the subcomponents (mechanics, electronics hardware, software) but in the context of the overarching vehicle system. It is crucial to meet much increased requirements in terms of safety and cyber security, while also keeping overall system complexity manageable despite the high level of connectedness between different components. This creates new demands on suppliers in terms of the technical performance of their products, starting with an efficiency-optimized electromagnetic design of e-drives, and especially regarding the underlying software-driven development process.

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