30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Energetische Optimierung eines PEM-Brennstoffzellen-Fahrzeuges
S. Konradt, M.Sc., Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Rottengruber, Institute of Mobile Systems (IMS)
In this poster, the energetic optimization of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell vehicle is presented. The focus of this work is on the detection of the necessary and the design of the optimal energy management of an FCEV ("Fuel cell electric vehicle"). This includes considerations regarding the influence of media management (air, hydrogen and water management) as well as the additional energy storage in form of a battery. Furthermore, efficiency increases were detected by enhancing the recuperation capability with an optimization of the operating strategy and the use of a supercapacitor. The investigations of the FCEV take place at the cell, stack and vehicle level. The basis is an open source cell model in the simulation environment Matlab. Based on this, the Simulink library was used to generate a complete vehicle model.
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