30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Brennstoffzellenfroststart – Von Simulation und Benchmarking bis zur Systemoptimierung


M. Zubel, M. Walters, FEV Europe GmbH; M. Schmitz, VKA, RWTH Aachen University


Fuel cells for vehicle propulsion are promising for future zero emission and zero CO2 mobility. Although there are already vehicles powered by fuel cells from several manufacturers, there is still a great need for development. In addition to cost reduction and aging effects, freeze start is also challenging. The cell product water can freeze at temperatures below zero, not only preventing a successful start-up process but also permanently damaging the cells. The Hyundai Nexo freeze start was analyzed in detail within the FEV Benchmarking program. The vehicle utilizes a variety of strategies to support the freeze start. These include various heating elements, the balance of plant components, as well as the operating strategy. To better understand the effects of freeze start at the cell level, detailed multi-dimensional CFD studies were conducted using the results from the benchmarking activities. Starting from a temperature of - 30 °C, the startup process is simulated using cell sections, considering the different support processes in time. Furthermore, the possibility of 1D system simulations is elaborated.

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