17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors

A 1D co-simulation approach for the prediction of pollutant emissions of internal combustion engines


T. Cerri, G. D’Errico, G. Montenegro, A. Onorati, Politecnico di Milano;
G. Koltsakis, Z. Samaras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;
V. Tziolas, N. Zingopis, K. Michos, Exothermia SA;
J. Rojewski, V. Papetti, P. Dimopoulos Eggenschwiler, P. Soltic, EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology




The prediction of pollutant emissions generated by IC engines has been a challenge since the introduction of the emission regulation legislation. This paper describes the approach followed by the authors to strictly couple two different 1D modeling tools in a co-simulation environment, to achieve a reliable calculation of engine-out and tailpipe emissions. The main idea is to allow an accurate 1D simulation of the unsteady flows and wave action inside the intake and exhaust systems, without resorting to over-simplified geometrical discretization, and to rely on advanced combustion models and kinetic sub-models for the calculation of cylinder-out emissions. A specific fluid dynamic approach is then used to track the composition along the exhaust system, in order to
evaluate the conversion efficiency of after-treatment devices, such as TWC, GPF, DPF, DOC, SCR and so on. This co-simulation environment is validated against a real engine configuration which was instrumented and tested at EMPA labs. A 4 cylinder SI, turbocharged, CNG engine is investigated at different loads and revolution speeds, to allow a wide validation with experimental data and verify the predictiveness of engine performances and pollutant emissions.

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