30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Verifikation von Taktischer Sicherheit bei Autonomen Fahrzeugen


H.-P. Schöner, IFO-Consulting; J. Antona-Makoshi, Japan Automobile Research Institute JARA


Tactical Safety describes the behaviour adaptation in an early stage and a smooth manner based on indicators for possibly dangerous situations in order to prevent getting into uncontrollable situations. This presentation works out the need for Tactical Safety for autonomous vehicles, explains specific scenarios in which Tactical Safety is relevant, underlines the importance of safety metrics and communication for this type of safety-related behaviour, and finally focusses on related testing and verification tasks. In order to reach the low risk values at aim for autonomous driving, Tactical Safety must complement traditional Passive Safety and Active Safety approaches.

Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.

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