SMTP23 Tagung (vormals Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors)

Wasserstoff-Gastankanlagen – Hochdruck Compositebehälter und die Auswahl geeigneter Gasstraße-Komponenten


Radiša NUNIĆ
Worthington Cylinders GmbH, Kienberg bei Gaming


The functionality of the entire system depends on the selection of the appropriate components. Since gaspowered vehicles were created and made available to the public, onboard fueling systems, which include high pressure cylinders, on tank valves, TPRDs, piping, and other components, have been a subject of many discussions.

Since round 100 years, Worthington Industries companies have been working with high pressure products, first with steel high pressure cylinders for industrial gases and then moving on to Type 2-4 cylinders for natural gas and hydrogen applications.

In this document we intend to introduce some of the most critical components and factors that can affect how well the entire solution works in field.

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