31. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Effizienzsteigerung von Schwerlastdieselmotoren als Beitrag für einen nachhaltigen Antrieb


J. Weber, J. Schatorjé, Y. Frekers, O. Herrmann - DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH, Y. Tomida, T. Ono, Y. Kakehashi - DENSO CORPORATION Japan, S. Schönefeld, J. Rudolph, K. Deppenkemper - FEV Europe GmbH


Future powertrain solutions need to comply with strict emissions regulations and enable carbon neutral mobility. Depending on the use case, electrification of commercial vehicles is one route but will rely on a high developed infrastructure including a stable grid and sufficient fast charging points. Regions with low infrastructure or insufficient supply of green electricity might demand for alternative solutions. Heavy Duty Internal Combustion Engines will remain a reliable technology under such conditions. With view to the upcoming CO2 regulations the Heavy Duty Internal Combustion Engine still has potential left to enhance the efficiency using latest engine technology. However, the higher fuel price for advanced bio-fuels and in a later step for carbon neutral E-fuels will require Heavy Duty Internal Combustion Engine powertrains to be as efficient as possible in all markets worldwide. Key for the efficiency increase is the enhanced cylinder peak firing pressure up to 300 bar in combination with the use of latest nozzle and an optimized injector technology. This paper describes the latest engine test results on a HD Single Cylinder Engine towards an indicated efficiency in the range of 50 %.

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