31. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Akzeptanz von Bürgern in Bezug auf vier verschiedene Mobilitätskonzepte im Rahmen des Projekts BüLaMo


M. Klatt, Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika), RWTH Aachen University


Climate protection measures, changes in social structures and people’s mobility behavior call for sustainable adaptations in transport infrastructure. In this context, the project Citizen’s Lab For a Mobile Münsterland (BüLaMo) aims at developing and evaluating sustainable mobility concepts for a German non-urban region. Sustainable concepts only take full effect if being accepted and used by citizens. Acceptance can be operationalized via intentional usage potential and is known to be dependent on user needs and wishes. One research question within BüLaMo is which improvement measures lead to a higher level of intentional usage potential of adapted mobility concepts. In this vein, ika of the RWTH Aachen University assessed citizen’s intentional usage potential along with improvement measures regarding four different mobility concepts. Data was collected using an online survey with N = 219 participants. Results show general high levels of intentional usage potential of the mobility concepts surveyed. Based on the data, potential improvement measures could be suggested for implementation. Follow-up surveys are to examine a) if the actual usage rate as well as the current subjectively perceived usage potential fit the predicted usage potential and b) further improvements in order to increase the acceptance and usage rate. Final results are expected within the remaining project time ending February 2023.

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