30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Das Brennstoffzellensystem – Der Verdichter als Schlüssel für das bedarfsgerechte und kostenoptimierte System
S. Schnorpfeil, C. Glahn, E. Hartmann, H. Soetje, SEGULA Technologies GmbH; P. Terstappen, P. Fröhlich, C. Zwyssig, Celeroton AG
In this study the matching of an electrical turbo compressors, also denoted as centrifugal compressor, to a fuel cell system is demonstrated. By breaking-down the required performance from the fuel cell vehicle to the compressor, the necessary compressor performance in terms of mass flow and pressure ratio can be determined. This step is realized by a validated fuel cell propulsion system simulation model. Other restrictions mainly driven by the stack such as cathode-lambda and stack operating pressure are also considered. In order to cope with the different applications of fuel cells a flexible, adaptable and affordable solution for the electrical turbo compressor is necessary. The realization of such a solution for series application is also described in this paper.
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