30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Kategorisierung von Einzelhindernissen in Bezug auf Fahrzeugvertikaldynamik und subjektive menschliche Wahrnehmung
J. Kreibich, L. Mahlknecht, M. Lienkamp, TU München; K. Riedel, CARIAD SE; A. Noll, AUDI AG
This paper analyzes the characteristics of single obstacles in regard to vehicle vertical dynamics and subjective human perception. The recent technical state of the art in collecting predictive route information is based on expensive camera- or laser-based systems. We propose a novel method for the effective evaluation of various single obstacles in the road profile. The frequency-weighted seat and body acceleration signal in the z-direction is analyzed using a three-mass quarter vehicle model. The results show that the subjective perception of comfort can be clearly described based on a few parameters. The comfort due to the vibration input during the ride is described by the K-value Kext of VDI 2057:1987 as central parameter. The evaluated obstacles can then be made available to a predictive chassis control system via an electronic horizon.
Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.