30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Aspekte der Auslegung elektrischer Traktionsantriebe am Beispiel eines 800 V Systems
C. Carstensen, C. Neuhaus, M. Heger, paragon electrodrive GmbH
This paper discusses selected aspects of the design of electric traction drives at the example of a feasibility study and prototype development carried out by paragon electrodrive. The target application is a battery electric track-day vehicle for by-the-hour rental on commercial racetracks. In order to maximize the actual availability per day, a HV-system voltage of 800 V was selected to allow for very high charging power. The first chapter “Requirements Engineering” highlights a model-based approach to predict the drive load on a typical racetrack and conclusions for the design of the drive are drawn. The chapter “Motor Voltage” describes how the nominal motor voltage is determined based on pre-defined system voltage, rated power and maximum battery current. With focus on “short circuit” and “passive rectification”, possible handling of inverter fault conditions is discussed. Further, the influence of inaccurate rotor position detection on the drive efficiency is analyzed. The last chapter closes this paper with a presentation of drive efficiency measurements conducted on a high performance drive test stand.
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