32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Alternative Steering Control Concepts - Assessment with Holistic Approach


K. O. Ger, N. Munkler - Hyundai Motor, Europe Technical Center, J. Bae - Hyundai Motor Group, J. Bavendiek, T. Sandmann - fka GmbH


The steering wheel, as an established element of today´s vehicles for controlling lateral dynamics and HMI, plays a crucial role for driving safety and pleasure. However, it has major disadvantages e.g. with regard to freedom in cockpit design, adaptability to vehicles with high steering angles or in the context of autonomous driving.

Additionally, Steer-by-Wire brings more freedom to new mobility solutions for different purposes and use cases. Hyundai Motor Company and fka GmbH have worked on alternative control elements to investigate engineering requirements and potential improvements that can be used in future applications.

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