30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Wendepunkte des Thermomanagementsystems batteriebetriebener Elektrofahrzeuge für das dauerhafte Laden mit hoher Leistung
J. Wong, R. Pearson, J. Salkeld, bp; T. Rachow, D. Schwarzmann, Bosch
Sustained charging power is the most critical design parameter to deliver high performance charging (HPC) of electric vehicles. It drives convenience, asset efficiency, and can avoid over-specification of on-board and off-board electrical systems. Sustained charging performance is mainly determined by thermal design, whereas peak performance is dominated by electrical design and cell electrochemistry. Thermal management requires the removal of heat from the cell and battery pack and then rejecting it from the vehicle to the ambient. The rate at which this can be done relative to the rate of heat generation determines the temperature rise of the cells. The simulation study conducted in the present work found that the performance of baseplate cooling of the battery pack becomes limited by poor thermal contact between the cell and the coolant fluid as charging power rises. Immersion cooling of cells reduces the thermal resistance of the heat path to the coolant. Given a low inlet temperature this approach is capable of extracting the heat losses associated with sustained 350 kW HPC....
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