32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

SUNRISE: Safety Assurance Framework for Connected and Automated Mobility Systems


D. Becker, J. Beckmann, P. Legran, N. Wagener - ika, RWTH Aachen University


Safety assurance of Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) systems, is a crucial factor for their successful adoption and deployment in society. CCAM systems must be reliable in every possible driving scenario. This requires a strong safety argumentation, which remains a significant challenge. Worldwide, several initiatives have started to develop test and assessment methods for CCAM systems, applying a scenario-based approach, and combining both physical and virtual testing. Although automotive stakeholders generally seem to agree on this overall approach, the current situation is leading to silo solutions. The lack of a common approach hampers the large-scale and safe introduction of CCAM systems in our society. It is for these reasons that the SUNRISE project has been initiated (under the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation). SUNRISE aims to establish a common Safety Assurance Framework, interconnecting the silos and making them collaborate in a harmonized way. In this paper/presentation, the first progess of the SUNRISE is presented. Insights of the CCAM verification & validation methodology for safety assurance are shown including a scenario concept that is based on the work done in the VVMethods project. Additionally, the beginning progress of the V&V framework toolchain to apply the developed methodology is displayed.

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