29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020
4D Solid-State Lidar – Ein notwendiger Baustein für die Realisierung von hochautomatisierten Fahrfunktionen
Max Theo Schmidt, Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH, Hamburg, Germany;
Bernd Jansen, FEV Europe GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Taking the step from assisted driving (L2 SAE) to automated driving (L3 SAE) requires the vehicle to perceive and understand its environment. The absence of the driver as a backup introduces much higher requirements on the perception systems. To achieve the necessary performance and robustness auto makers are aiming to use lidar sensors in addition to well established radar and camera sensors.
Key requirements for a lidar sensor system are derived from a use case analysis for automated highway driving. A 4D Solid State Lidar system is presented which can fulfill the high demands on measurement performance, flexible adaption to different use cases while being robust and cost efficient to satisfy the high standards of the automotive industry.
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