32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Integration of Real Driving Data into the Electric Powertrain Design Process for Heavy-duty Trucks


G. Witham, D. Swierc, A. Rozum, L. Eckstein - ika, RWTH Aachen University


While the share of electric vehicles in the passenger car sector is steadily increasing, electrification in the commercial vehicle sector is progressing much slower. The reasons include lower production figures and an even stronger focus on efficiency and costs. When developing new powertrain systems, it is crucial to consider individual user and application requirements. Real driving data representing the demands of different application scenarios can be integrated into the development process and combined with a modular and holistic concept design approach for drive modules to accelerate and automate powertrain development. This process is being developed at the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University. In this paper, the application potential for real driving data within the concept design of drive modules for heavy trucks is analysed and current research projects at ika in the field of heavy-duty vehicle powertrain development are presented.

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