30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Betriebsstrategie für autonome Fahrzeuge bei Fehlern im Bremssystem
H.C. Schlimme, Volkswagen AG; J. Iatropoulos, J. Sterthoff, R. Henze, IfF, TU Braunschweig
Autonomous driving requires a fault-tolerant brake system. To meet this objective, the components involved in executing the brake functions must be designed with sufficient redundancy in the vehicle. This is accompanied by an increase in complexity. Costs increase and packaging-space conflicts arise. This can be counteracted by deploying a defensive operating strategy in the vehicle in the case of performance-relevant system failures (The term "performance-relevant system failure" refers to any failure of a vehicle system (in this case, the brake system) that prevents the automated driving system from reliably executing its functions over the long term. [7]) in the brake system. This strategy leads to fewer requirements for the brake functions in the fallback level. The performance capacity of the redundancies can be reduced, which in turn lowers system complexity. This paper deals with how such an operating strategy can be derived.
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