29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020
Spark Assisted Compression Ignition (SACI): Numerische und Experimentaluntersuchungen mit E10 Kraftstoff
Virginie Morel, Eleftherios Gorgoraptis, PhD; Deepak Kumar, PhD, Aramco Overseas, Paris, France;
Sebastien Houille, Clement Dumand, Olivier Lafetta, PSA groupe, Velizy, France
Over the last decades, various combustion approaches have been developed for improving both fuel economy and pollutant emissions of thermal engines. Low temperature combustion is seen as a promising pathway to simultaneously reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions through the improvement of fuelair mixing prior to combustion. However, this concept faces challenges for achieving satisfactory combustion stability at low load while delivering competitive torque at full load. Therefore, its operating range usually remains limited to low-medium loads. Spark assisted compression ignition can contribute to expand significantly the operating range. In this work, experimental investigations and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are developed on an original Diesel single cylinder engine running with E10 under spark assisted compression ignition mode.
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