29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020
Bremsstaubemissionen – Lösungsansätze der HORIBA zur Materialcharakterisierung von Bremsbelägen
Dr. Dmytro Lugovyy, Harald Kurz, HORIBA Europe GmbH, Oberursel, Germany;
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Gramstat, Robert Waninger, AUDI AG, Ingolstadt, Germany
Legislative authorities from all over the world have started to look into the topic of “nonexhaust-emissions” in order to further improve air quality. Brake particle emissions (BPE) will be regulated soon as they are considered to be a major source of nonexhaust pollution in urban environments. Due to that fact, more research groups are becoming involved in the characterization of brake particle emissions.
In a cooperation between HORIBA and AUDI, Brake Dust is investigated with a patented [1] measurement concept on a HORIBA brake dynamometer utilizing HORIBA’s extensive know-how in both emission and brake testing. A better understanding of the brake particle formation mechanisms as well as the related impact on the brake emission was the scope of the investigations.
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