17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
From virtual to reality – How 48V systems and operating strategies improve Diesel emission
Hannes Wancura, Michael Weißbäck, AVL List GmbH;
Iaponaira Silva de Abreu, Tobias Schäfer, AVL Schrick GmbH;
Steffen Lange, AVL GmbH;
Bastian Unterberger, Stefan Hoffmann, Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH
When supporting the Diesel drivetrain by additional electrification it is crucial to define the operating strategy in close interaction with the hardware selection. To enable early frontloading in a phase when testing is not possible a simulation environment is necessary that models not only the single components but also mirrors the interaction of emotor, combustion engine and aftertreatment and also reflects the respective control strategy.
To enable a consistent and continuous (conversion-free) system evaluation, starting from very early stages of the development process up to real semi-virtual prototyping, AVL has developed a neutral open integration approach. This platform called AVL CRUISE M is able to numerically correctly connect and simulate a wide variety of model-based and / or real components on a functional level.
The resulting functional prototype consists in this case of several, different and modular system simulation models, which have the task on the one hand to characterize the emissions and temperatures of the engine, as well as the correlating efficiency of the aftertreatment and on the other hand to model the vehicle and the hybridized powertrain including a virtual driver.
The paper describes the advanced simulation environment and highlights specific use cases during the development of a 48V Mild Hybrid Diesel concept car between AVL List GmbH and Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH. Simulation support is essential in order to match the conflicting targets CO2 – Emissions – ageing in a rather complex system.
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